A Used SUV Check-Up Guide for Your Next Summer Road Trip


At Race Auto Group, we understand the importance of a reliable vehicle if you’re looking forward to getting out on the open road and exploring Nova Scotia this summer. With the season fast approaching, now is the perfect time to start planning and getting your used SUV ready for a road trip.

To help you kickstart your preparations, we've put together a list of used SUV check-ups that cover everything from essential maintenance to safety checks on what to inspect, adjust, and possibly repair. Whether you're planning a short weekend getaway or a cross-country haul, our guide will help you get your used SUV ready for an adventure!

Exterior Used SUV Check-Ups

Start by inspecting the exterior of your vehicle. These components of your used SUV are important for its performance and reliability as well as the safety of you and your passengers:

  • Tires: Inspect the tire tread and look for signs of wear or damage, making sure they are inflated to the manufacturer's recommended pressure. Regular alignments and tire repairs can make this box much easier to check off.
  • Lights and Signals: Check all lighting and controls—headlights, taillights, brake lights, and turn signals—to ensure they function properly. If you notice any issues like dim or burnt lights or unresponsive controls, address these issues immediately/
  • Windshield and Wipers: Ensure your windshield is free of cracks and your wipers provide a clean swipe. The ice and cold of winter can sometimes cause wipers to lose their effectiveness, luckily replacing them yourself is simple.

Check Under the Hood

Maintaining the health of your SUV's engine and critical systems under the hood is essential for ensuring a safe and enjoyable road trip. Here are some important used SUV check-ups to consider before setting off:

  • Engine Oil and Fluids: Check the levels of your engine oil, coolant and brake fluid regularly. These are all crucial to the health of your engine and are simple to monitor.
    • Battery Health: Test your battery with a multimeter to make sure it does not need charging or a replacement. If you notice signs of corrosion on the terminals, clean it off with a mixture of baking soda and water.

If you find any issues while you’re performing used SUV check-ups or if you prefer to leave it to the professionals, contact Race Auto Group’s service department. Our experts are ready to make sure your vehicle is in top-notch condition for your travels.

Safety and Comfort

There’s more to safety and comfort on a road trip than airbags and legroom. In this section, we'll discuss how to evaluate various systems that contribute to a safe and enjoyable driving experience in all of the best used SUVs:

  • Air Conditioning: Before your trip, test your AC to ensure it's cooling effectively. If it is not cooling or makes unusual noises, it may need a recharge or repair.
    • Seat Belts and Child Seats: Regularly check all seat belts and clasps for signs of wear and proper functionality. For those travelling with children, make sure child seats are installed firmly and correctly.
      • Dashboard Warning Lights: Learn what each dashboard warning light means and address any active warnings. Illuminated lights could indicate important issues that need resolving to ensure your vehicle's safety and reliability on the road.

Emergency Preparedness

Being properly prepared before hitting the road can mean the difference between a small setback and a ruined trip. Keeping necessary supplies and documents on hand can significantly enhance your safety and readiness for unexpected situations:

  • Emergency Kit: Keep a well-prepared emergency kit in your SUV that includes first aid supplies, basic tools, extra water, and snacks. Make sure you have a functioning spare tire, jack, and the tools needed to change a tire.
  • Roadside Assistance Information: Have your current roadside assistance membership information handy, including contact numbers and any necessary policy numbers. This information is crucial if you need towing.

Get the Best Used SUVs and Check-Ups at Race Auto Group

Race Auto Group offers a selection of the best used SUVs in Nova Scotia, perfectly suited and well-maintained for your summer adventures and beyond. Each used vehicle on our lot has passed a detailed 150-point inspection covering everything from engine performance and fluid levels to tire condition and interior components.

Whether you need a routine oil change, a reliable used SUV, or even just some expert advice, our team is here to help. We pride ourselves on quality, reliability, and customer satisfaction, offering a warranty on all repairs to give you peace of mind.

Get Your Used SUV Road-Trip-Ready!

Taking the time to prepare your SUV for a summer road trip can boost your safety, comfort, and overall enjoyment of the experience. With the help of Race Auto Group’s expert services, you can hit the road with confidence.

Don’t wait until the last minute; schedule a service appointment today to ensure your vehicle is thoroughly prepared for any adventure that lies ahead. Contact us before you start your adventure!

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are the answers to some frequently asked questions about used SUV check-ups and maintenance.

How long in advance should I perform these used SUV check-ups before a road trip?

It's best to perform these checks at least a few weeks before your trip to give you time to address any issues that you might find. Waiting until the last minute could lead to a cancelled or postponed vacation.

Can I perform these checks myself if I don’t know much about cars?

Many exterior checks like inspecting tires, lights, and windshield wipers are doable without mechanical skills. More complex checks such as fluid levels and battery tests may require some basic understanding or can be handled by a professional.

What should I do if my SUV fails a check-up?

If your SUV fails any part of the check-up, it should be taken to a professional mechanic for repairs as soon as possible to ensure safety and reliability on your trip. Our maintenance team will be happy to help.